New to Wolf & Faun: The Patterns for All mailing List
Merry Beltane! I have been quiet for the most part lately but there has been a lot going on behind...

The Story Behind the Hedgewitch

The Bean Nighe Shawl by Nat Raedwulf
Merry Samhain, also known as Halloween or the Witches New Year. The veils are thin and it's time to share my...

Testing Call! Want to be a Test Knitter for Wolf & Faun?

Updates on some Favourites at Wolf & Faun
Hello Friends!Just wanted to give you a quick update on what's going on in the shop as some old favourites...

Introducing Maighdeann-ròin Seal Maiden

Full Moon Musings: Time to Make it Grow!
Merry Full Moon in Capricorn! This is one of my favourite Full Moons of the year… and not just...

An Intro to the Clary Sage Shawl by Nat Raedwulf, Wolf & Faun Knits
Clary Sage Knit Shawl was inspired by two things I love; the Clary Sage Flowers blooming in my garden and...